The Best Herbal Roast Duck in Singapore: Dian Xiao Er

Dian Xiao Er (店小二) was a Chinese term commonly used during the Chinese Song or Ming dynasty and it means waiter working at the restaurant inn. 

In Singapore, Dian Xiao Er is a popular Chinese restaurant famous for their delicious herbal roast duck. The roast duck is roasted to crispy brown and comes with tasty herbal sauce. It is definitely the best duck in my opinion. What's more, prices are affordable. 
Besides their signature roast herbal duck, I also like their Ee mee noodles, black chicken herbal soup and salad prawns. 

If you want to enjoy delicious and value-for-money roast duck, Dian Xiao Er is definitely the place to go to. I took my parents to eat at Diao Xiao Er and they love it, especially their signature Ten Wonder Duck and XO seafood fried rice. There is 20% during weekdays when senior citizens dine there. 

If you want to view the rest of Diao Xiao Er menu or promotion, visit their website at
 Their famous Duck roasted with Ten Wonder Herbs (Small serving costs $13.90)
 I love their restaurant design which is inspired from traditional Chinese inn which was a place for travelers to stop for food and rest. 
 Their waiters also dressed like the pictures above like the waiters during the Song dynasty.
 Black chicken soup with herbal is good for health.
 Even the menu is inspired from traditional Chinese books used during early dynasty. 
 Love the mushroom Ee mee (Noodle)
 Spicy and Sour Fresh Fish Slices (Small serving costs $12.90)
 You must order this delicious XO Seafood Fried Rice! ( $11.30)
Prawn Ball with Mayo ($17.30). They could improve on the dish by ensuring its fresh. 
 Yam Ring Delight with stir fried diced chicken, vegetables and cashew nuts ($19.90). Frankly speaking, this dish is not their strength.
The helpful waiter helped us to cut the yam ring 
Osmanthus Jelly taste like jelly. ($3.60)
Entrance at Tampines 1 outlet


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