Esplanade Visual Arts: Devotion (in Singapore)

From now till 4 May, you can view free Visual Arts exhibition at the walkway from the Esplanade to Citylink mall. 

Devotion (in Singapore) is a photography exhibition of the different religions in Singapore. Although Singapore is ranked lowly in terms of press freedom, there is racial and religious harmony in Singapore. It is quite common to see temple, mosque or even church standing next to each others.The photos exhibited at Esplanade are all captured in Singapore by Eneko Ertz.
Different religion symbols. Hare Krishna devotees prostrating.

 Muslim men bid one another a communal farewell after Friday Prayers. 
 Taoists send paper money by to the dead during the Hungry Ghost Festival month. Paper iphone and others electronic gadgets can be offered to the dead. 
 Cleaning The Sikh flag during the Sikh Hola Mahalla Festival.
 Christians performing rituals on Holy Friday.
 Buddhist devotees kneel in a rite on Vesak Day.
 A Jewish man blesses his son.
 Zoroastrian symbols in a follower's home.


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