Enjoyable Day at Universal Studios Singapore

Although the Universal Studios Singapore official grand opening was on 28 May 2011, I only visited the theme attraction this Saturday as my friend gave me a free ticket. I wanted to go there earlier but not many of my friends were free to visit. 

I had great fun there trying almost all the rides except for the very high speed roller coaster ride and canopy flyer. To really explore the theme park, you must plan at least a day there. We arrived at about noon after having our lunch at Vivocity, and left at about 7.40pm. Due to time constraint, we didn't explore and try all the rides. For popular rides like the Transformer, we waited for about an hour for the short few minutes ride. I think Transformer is the best and exciting ride where you felt so close to the Transformers.

We spent most of the time waiting for the ride. It would be best to have the Express ticket which is more expensive but you get to skip the queue thus saving lots of time. 

We had our dinner at Ding Tai Fung and I realised dishes there are more expensive compared to other branches in Singapore. Most dishes are about $1 to $2.00 more expensive. I realized we should just walk to Vivocity for dinner.

For more information, you can visit Universal Studios Singapore webpage here.

In the Far Far Away Castle
The iconic Universal Studio globe outside the ticket area.
Why is there only one lovely tree with pretty pinky flowers?
Inside the Universal Studios Singapore near the entrance! It reminds me of my trip to Australia Gold Coast Universal Studio. 
No cars on the road.
Souvenirs for your trip? 
Hollywood China Bistro. We went there on Good Friday.
Easter Day Island
 At the Madagascar zone. There are many eatery and restaurant around here.
The carousel ride lasted only two minute at King Julien's Beach Party-Go-Round. We waited for 30 minutes for the ride. 
At the Far Far Away castle 
 Queuing up for the Shrek 4-D Adventure
 Just one door away from the theatre. Inside this dark room, the three little pigs gave some background of the Shrek story.
 Inside the Shrek 4-D Adventure theatre. What is 4D movie ? You see wearing the 3D glasses, sudden burst of water sprayed on you and the chair jerking when the character are riding. 
Hehe, we also tried this Fairy Godmother's Potion shop mini ferris wheel which is actually meant for kids. But we saw parents accompanying them so we just tried.  
 Depending on where you start the journey, this is the Exit or Entrance of Far Far Away castle.
 The Lost World
 Outside the Jurassic Park and the Canopy Flyer which is a popular ride.
 Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure. Prepare to get wet or soaked. If you didn't bring clothes, you can dry yourself inside the drying pod by paying $5.00.
 Amber Rock Climb. Scale the 'fossilized dinosaurs' rock walls... if you are fit.
Ancient Egypt 
 You can buy souvenirs relating to Ancient Egypt inside this shop guarded by the King and Queen of Egypt.
 Ancient Egypt. Entrance to Revenge of the Mummy, an indoor high speed roller coaster.
You see lots of ancient Egypt warriors around.
 Into the WaterWorld to watch an action packed dramatic water show.
 This building is designed like a war zone tattered  greeny structure.
 Inside the outdoor theatre. If you don't want to be sprayed with water, then move further up the seats. 
 A very sporting audience who got sprayed by another performer.
 You get to watch death-defying stunt and explosion at this live water show.
 Gist of the story is about the evil man with eye pad trying to keep the woman but her boyfriend rescued her.
 A plane zoomed onto the stage. Quite stunning. I really respect the performers for giving their all in this show. Performers must really be fit to perform some of the dangerous stunts with explosion bursting. 
 Heading to Sci-Fi City
 Luckily, we only spent about 5 minutes queuing up for the Accelerator ride.
 I enjoyed the Accelerator too which is about spinning around. 
 Transformer car
 My favorite ride is the Transformer. 
 I thought the queue was very short when I saw this. Actually this is only a part of the queue. We waited for an hour for the Transformer ride.
 While waiting, you get to see exhibitions as shown above relating to the Transformers. 
 Another exhibition in another part of the queue for Transformers ride.
 Finally the Transformer ride which end in about three minutes.
 New York New York I love you.
 A replica of the Rockefeller building in New York Manhatten.
I miss New York


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    7. Ok. Thank you Uncle Boh Tong! Really appreciate! :)


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