Spring in Singapore

After a record dry spell of 27 days, flowers are blooming in Singapore. I've been living here for the past three decades but I never seem anything like now. It looks so beautiful like it is spring. Well metaphorically speaking, it looks like spring since Singapore is a tropical country with summer all year long and occasional rain.

From afar, it looks like cherry blossom. Maybe after a tough season, flowers will bloom to their glorious moment.
Can you see the two small bees?
 I saw this beautiful tree with pink flowers blooming in Sentosa, outside Universal Studios.
Above and below:Flowers blooming in my neighborhood


  1. Lovely flowers. Talk about dry spell we do need rain here, lots of it so that water rationing can be discontinued. :)

    Your blog looks interesting. Will have to explore some more. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a footprint of a comment.

    1. Thank you. Luckily it has been raining the past few days. But it is still warm at night.


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