Under The Weather

I thought I have recovered from cough last week since I rarely cough. So I had my favourite iced avocado coconut shake last Friday. Never did I expect it to trigger to bad cough till today. Imagine coughing through the night. 

I realised age is really catching up with me. Last year, I could recover without taking antibiotics and I could take cold drink. This year is also the first time exceeding medical leave.☹️ Now it seem like I can't take cold drink as it can trigger bad cough. This is really no joke coughing till your chest pain. Now I really appreciate good health and good night sleep without coughing. Health is Wealth. 

No more cold drink and biscuits and I have to cut down on pastry and bread as I realised they could trigger cough.  Doctor told me not to drink cold drink and orange when coughing. This time I will recover fully before I go back to work. 

Mee pok and mee kia noodles soup


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