Attention Seekers

Since last year, two young colleagues have been trying to get my attention by coming to me and walking past me.  If it is once or twice, it is just coincidence. However, it happened on many occasions. I even saw them hiding and waiting at a corner and then walk towards me. I'm not sure what is their intention. I don't feel comfortable with their vibes especially the female. Like what I tell others, just ignore and walk away if you are not comfortable with them. Have you experienced something like this before? Some people's vibes are very off and you just have to walk away.  If I sense that someone don't like me, I just walk away.

If you know your friend has been doing something that is not right, stop and remind them. My Christian and Catholic friends told me that there is this saying, You reap what you sow which is similar to karma.

I'm not into complicated relationship. I'm fine with marrying man of different religion from me as long he doesn't ask me to convert. I hope he'll respect my religion Buddhism just as I'll respect his.  However, there are few types of people I will never accept. I will not accept these 3 types: married man, man who is attached and woman. I just think it is not natural for same-sex marriage. I believe in freedom in expressing your views with responsibility. 

You have to trust your intuition. 
Sharing by former FBI agent


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