Barbie Movie

I finally watched Barbie movie yesterday. I really enjoyed this comedy musical movie which features hilarious Ryan Gosling's singing and dancing. I love how this movie is so entertaining yet with philosophical thought provoking messages embedded. 

Why did Barbie choose to leave Barbie world where she can be happy and have dance and party everyday with the other Barbies who never grow old? Instead she chose the real world where humans will go through inevitable aging, mixture of happiness and suffering and in the end face their mortality? Perhaps it can be boring to go through the same routine everyday and you can't appreciate happiness if you never experience sadness. If there is no duality, then there is no meaning to the concept of happiness and sadness. 

It makes you reflect the purpose of your life and mortality. In the real world, people acquired things or people thinking it bring them happiness and then you have to leave it all behind. Or does it bring happiness or you have been conditioned to it? Why did you choose to be human? Or was it your choice? Barbie land is like heaven where you get anything you want just by thinking and you are always young as shared by this guy who experienced Near-death Experience (NDE)  here.  You can read more exceptional NDE here which I have been reading since 2017.

In the movie, Barbie's creator, Ruth Handler shared with Barbie about Humans. 

Humans only have one ending. Ideas live forever. 

Go watch this movie if you haven't. You will enjoy it especially if you love musical dance and comedy movie.

Dua Lipa: Dance the Night
Ryan Gosling: Just Ken
Cass Elliot: Make Your Own Kind of Music
Aqua: Barbie Girl


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