Be Impartial

Coco Lee is one of the few female singers I respect. She was so talented in singing and she had the courage to speak out for others. Sadly she just passed on last month. Her cheating spouse, Bruce Rockowitz should be slapped hard on both sides of his face. 

Recently a video recording of her speaking out for a contestant in Sing!China surfaced in social media. I feel so sad (心疼她). The atrocious director for this show must apologise to her family and the organiser of the show should also make sure such unfairness don't happen again. 

There is a reason why Hong Kong and Taiwan can produce so many Superstars. Only by selecting real talents from participants could you truly groom them. Money can't buy you popularity. If China singing competitions continue to preselect "Champion" due to corruption, you will never produce real super star. Viewers will just boycott the show.

I hope to see peaceful rise of China. However to earn respect from others, they must be fair and not practise favoritism. It is my wish to explore my late grandfathers' hometowns in China Chaozhou 潮州. They left China when they were only teenagers. 

Wow I haven't update my travel blog for some time. It's time to do so. Who want to join me in this exciting trip to China? I'm thinking of exploring Chaozhou and Shanghai maybe alone if no one is interested. Time to start planning.  

《刀马旦》#李玟#邓紫棋 Music composed by Jay Chou
填    词方文山谱    曲周杰伦
我 还在想 到底身在何方
我 变模样 是个华裔姑娘
我 开始想 认真细心装扮
我 回台上 终于轮我上场
耍花枪 一个后空翻
腰身跟着转 马步扎的稳当
耍花枪 比谁都漂亮
接着唱一段 虞姬和霸王
耍花枪 舞台的戏班
二胡拉的响 观众用力鼓掌
耍花枪 比谁都漂亮
刀马旦身段 演出风靡全场
一口粮 一张床 一面墙 一扇窗
一个人 在北大荒
一碗热汤 啊
温暖了我 一个晚上
一匹苍狼 一身风霜
我 还在想 到底身在何方
我 变模样 是个华裔姑娘
我 开始想 认真细心装扮
我 回台上 终于轮我上场
耍花枪 一个后空翻
腰身跟着转 马步扎的稳当
耍花枪 比谁都漂亮
接着唱一段 虞姬和霸王
耍花枪 舞台的戏班
二胡拉的响 观众用力鼓掌
耍花枪 比谁都漂亮
刀马旦身段 演出风靡全场
耍花枪 一个后空翻
腰身跟着转 马步扎的稳当
耍花枪 比谁都漂亮
接着唱一段 虞姬和霸王 [1-3]


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