Time to Lose Weight

I decided to lose weight so that I can feel better. It can be quite uncomfortable to carry heavy "excess weight" around the tummy and flabby arms. I must be disciplined and not eat so much for dinner even if my mum cooks delicious food and cut down on snacks like biscuits and chocolate.

If I don't live with my parents in the future, I will just eat fruit and vegetable soup for dinner. I don't really want to spend so much time cooking after work. Vegetable soup is easy to cook. When I stayed at the student hostel many years back, I used to just cook healthy and tasty corn, carrot and tomato soup for dinner. 

I had corn, carrot, potato and boiled egg for dinner yesterday.
Fresh apricots 

I just started  to use these 3 kg dumbbells for weight training today.


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