Gorgeous Hydrangeas at Flower Dome

I find yesterday hydrangeas (sounds like hi drain juh) really gorgeous compared to last Friday launch of Hydrangeas Holidays theme at Flower dome. I notice it's best to visit flower dome one week after the launch of the theme as most of the flowers will be in full bloom!  

My friend who also enjoys admiring flowers also had great time admiring and taking photos of the sea of pretty hydrangeas in various shades of pink, blue, purple and white colours at the Flower dome field. Most of these opulent hydrangeas are from Holland and floral display is the Gardens' collaboration with the Dutch embassy.

Yesterday I spent more time admiring the blooming hydrangeas looking at the shape, textures, lines and colours.  I was so engrossed in admiring the vibrant hydrangeas that my friend asked me why I spent such a long time looking at the flowers. I love looking at flowers as they just make me happy. Flowers just bloom to reveal their most beautiful forms and colours bringing joy to people with their unique nature design. 

There are more than 20 varieties of hydrangeas set in Netherland landscape with the iconic windmills, colourful townhouses and red-and-white West Schouwen Lighthouse. 

Hydrangea Holidays at the Flower Dome, Gardens by the Bay will end on 14 August this year. 

The following information on the meaning of different colours for hydrangeas is from Gardens by the Bay. Click here to read more.

Pink hydrangeas symbolise love and sincerity. Send these to someone you have deep affection for or use them as decorations when you wish to celebrate love!

White hydrangeas are a symbol of purity, grace and abundance. They are also often sent as a status symbol representing wealth to brag or boast.

Blue hydrangeas represent forgiveness, regret and rejection, so think twice before sending these blue stems to a loved one! You wouldn’t want to cause confusion!

Purple hydrangeas signify the desire to deeply understand someone, so you know whom to send these to! They also symbolise abundance, elegance and royalty.

Pretty shade of pink, purple and blue hydrangeas.
Lovely purple and pink hydrangeas.

Promotion for annual Friend of the Garden is now $42 instead of $68.


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