Blissful Marriage

It is rare to be happily married for more than 40 years. Sometimes I think it is a gift and blessing in this life if one get to be happily married to the special one for so long. I have learnt a lot on how to be happily married from my parents forty-four years of blissful marriage. 

Recently I asked my parents if they remember the date they registered their marriage at Registry of Marriages. Both said they forgot the date until I reminded them that they married in May 1978 as I saw their marriage certificate. My father only brought egg tarts to celebrate their anniversary this year when I reminded them. Happy marriage doesn’t mean you have to remember the wedding anniversary date as everyday is important to celebrate love. Once you have found your special one, you have to treasure the spouse. It is a blessing to be able to find Mr Right or Mrs Right in this planet earth with more than 7.96 billion people. As a Buddhist, I believe in fate and karma. Destiny will bring people who are meant to be together to meet and get married.

From my parents, I learnt that marriage is also about respect and showing care and concern to your spouse. Just buying or cooking their favourite food will make their day. Taking care of spouse when he or she is not well.

Never do thing to hurt or spite your spouse knowing that it will upset him/her. My father will inform my mum if he is helping other woman to reassure her. Both my Teochew parents are good looking. Anyway, most Teochew men and women are handsome and pretty. Communication is key to prevent misunderstanding. Never make the other person doubt your loyalty.

Never engage in quarrel. Both must cool down first. When I was a child, I was so frightened that I cried when my parents shouted at each others. Don't quarrel in front of your child. After that episode, they didn't shout at each others. My father will just let my mum speak her mind first. There must be one person to give in else there be endless quarrel. 

My father is the most devoted person. When he worked, he would call my mum three times a day. Around 2pm, 11 am and 9am. Sometimes I think my parents are lucky to have found each other and I am thankful that my parents show me that true love does exist. My father really set the standard high. 

2022 is really a special year. Many couples are getting married this year. To my readers who have found your special one and getting married, I wish you a joyous and blissful marriage!

I still like this song Especially for you after so many years. Kylie  Minogue and Jason Donavon in 1988
30 years later in 2018


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