Benefits of Mangosteen

I have been eating many sweet and juicy mangosteen known as the Queen of fruits, thanks to my family buying it. You have to be careful when you eat mangosteen so as not to stain your clothes with red part of the fruit. It is easy to eat. I just squeeze the centre part of mangosteen and open it. You can watch the video below the photos.

I think I can swap cakes and cookies with mangosteen as dessert because it is just so sweet, tasty and healthy with lots of beneficial nutrients. 

There are many benefits to eating mangosteen. However pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding should not eat mangosteen. It is not suitable for those who are taking blood -thinning medication. 

The following is from Click  here to read more. 

Significant Merits Of Mangosteen For Overall Well-Being

Promotes Heart Health
Mangosteen ensures proper blood flow to all organs of the body, particularly to the heart, by dilating blood vessels. This hypotensive quality of mangosteen is very valuable in remedying high blood pressure symptoms such as an intense high bp headache, stress and palpitations. It also controls the levels of triglycerides, regulates heart rate and aids in maintaining normal blood pressure. It is hence highly effective in preventing severe cardiac ailments such as chest pain, heart congestion and atherosclerosis.

Boosts Immune Function
Being abundant in vitamin C, mangosteen offers protective antioxidant properties and builds an efficient immune system. Antioxidants eliminate harmful free radicals from destroying the healthy cells in the body, while the proteins called antibodies defend the system against viruses which cause diseases such as pneumonia, flu and common cold.

Relieves Body Pain
Mangosteen possesses vast amounts of xanthones, a naturally occurring group of plant compounds which are potent anti-inflammatory molecules. Xanthones function in reducing the pressure in stressed out regions of the human system. This vital trait in mangosteen makes it a remarkable remedy for relieving unbearable body pain due to arthritis, sciatica and menstrual cramps.

Enhances Brain Activity
Packed with flavonoids (powerful antioxidants) and folate (vitamin B9), mangosteen assists in the smooth transmission of signals via nerves leading to the brain. Moreover, it prevents the accumulation of plaques in brain cells and also improves memory. It is hence very useful in augmenting cognitive capabilities in neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

Slows Down Ageing
Mangosteen is a powerhouse of an antioxidant called catechin, which is also present in green tea. This molecule protects healthy cells in the skin from deterioration and promotes the flow of blood and nutrients to the skin cells. Mangosteen also combats bacterial skin infections, thereby guaranteeing a youthful, radiant and flawless look.

Lowers Blood Sugar Levels

Mangosteen is really delicious. Be careful not to dirty your shirt with the red part of the fruit.



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