Shopping at Bookshop Today

After a good cup of coffee and hearty dinner at Hoshino Coffee at Ion Orchard, I headed straight to the Kino bookshop at Ngee Ann City mall to read the latest magazines and books. I felt rather tired after work so I must have a good cup of coffee8.

Today I only spent about two hours in the bookshop but I brought some creative postcard made of wood material which can be made to a cam and follower toy. Also brought a book on painting and cute notebooks designed by Ah Guo, our local watercolour artist. Spent quite a lot today but I like what I brought today. 

I love watercolour art by Ah Guo, a local artist. The above watercolour painting is by Ah Guo. I used to play badminton with my sibling and friends at the badminton court where there used to be a tall metallic umpire chair. It was fun to climb up the chair and watch badminton match. Now you don't get to see this tall umpire chair around. 

There are a wide variety of magazines at Kinokuniya
I like this creative postcard made of wood material and rubber stamp.

Another interesting post card which can be made into cam and follower toy designed and made in Taiwan.


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