Will There Be 9% GST This Year?

I read that this year 9% GST might be implemented. If this really happen, I will spend lesser like only going to restaurant for meal only once every two months instead of weekly like last year. Last November and December, I spent far too much on food. I have to start cooking at home. I need to save more for my new BTO flat. I also need to save for new furniture for my bachelorette flat. Ya I have no intention to go for any more dating events. I'm a homebody and don't really like to go out on weekends when I start work on weekdays this week. I really like to stay at home and read books or watch youtube on metaphysics or concerts. I am 宅女(homebody).

Maybe it's also good for me to eat less and lose weight. I need to shed off the weight I gained last December. 

阳光宅男 by Jay Chou。 I am 阳光宅女


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