OCBC Should Refund the Victims

I feel for the people who lost their life saving due to the security lapse by OCBC recently. OCBC can't just blame their customers for their loss. There is also the issue with phone automation as banks aim to save money. Sometimes I have to wait more than 20 minutes to reach the bank staff. Anyway I'm quite unhappy with OCBC. They didn't waive my OCBC credit card annual fees so I cancelled the credit card last year and OCBC 360 interest rates are still so low. OCBC is penny-wise but pound-foolish. 

You can't blame your customers for clicking the scam link. OCBC did send SMS link to customers when they had saving promotion. They need to revamp the banking process to improve IT security- for example staff needs to call to verify with the customers before they allow transfer of large funds. The recent security lapse is really disconcerting to savers. OCBC must return the saving to their customers and improve their IT system and customer service to gain the trust of their customers. 

This is the SMS message that I received on 4 December 2021. 


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