Old School Shop at Chinatown Point

This Friday, I went to Chinatown with my buddy to see Chinese New Year street lighting. We went to Chinatown Point shopping mall for dinner first and then went window shopping. 

I really like the unique shops in Chinatown. I like the Munch shop which sells many of my childhood snacks and toys. I brought some blowing balloon and chocolate snacks which I enjoyed during my primary school days. It brought back fond childhood memories in the 80s. How time flies, it's about 30 years ago when I was in primary school. I still like some of the old school snacks. I had fun blowing the blowing balloon tube. Quite fun to see the big bubble blown. 

I used to buy biscuits from the provision shop which had many tin boxes of biscuits.
I brought the tubes of blowing balloon.
When I was in primary school, I used to play flip the erasers game with my classmates by trying to make my eraser land on top of my friend's eraser to win.
One of the snacks I had when I was in primary school.

I brought the above snacks and tubes of blowing balloon and some toys. 
This is how you play with the blowing balloon. Squeeze some sticky form to the stick. If you want bigger bubble, just squeeze more. 

Then just blow through the stick and you have big bubble.


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