Tulipmania 2021 at Singapore Gardens by the Bay

When is the best time to see many flowers in full bloom? To find the answer, this year I visited flower dome at Gardens by the Bay for the Tulipmania a total of five trips. Tulipmania theme has finally ended on last Sunday, 14 November 2021. I went on the first day and also the last day of Tulipmania. 

When I visited on the first day of Tulipmania, the flower bed was rather sparse with many young tulip buds. The best time to see all flowers blooming will be about three to five days before the theme end.  On the last day of Tulipmania, about 15% to 20% tulips had already wither. I also went on the second last day and it looked like about 5% flowers shrivelled but still much better than the last day.

I really love this year vibrant and colourful sea of tulip flowers. Thank you to Gardens by the Bay for the wonderful show! 

Love this bright pink tulip known as Barcelona

                                                            Alibi tulips

Sea of tulips


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