Hoshino Coffee at Ion Orchard

My buddy Y, who is like my elder sister and I had great dinner at Ion Orchard Hoshino Coffee restaurant last Friday. Besides my parents, she is one of the few  people who is honest with me, especially on what I need to work on. 

We love their delicious and generous pasta and their signature Hoshino coffee with chestnut flavour. It's a great place for good coffee and pasta and catching up with pals. We think they need to work on their service as they took very long time to serve the coffee. 

I opted for the Souffle omu tomato cream spaghetti at $16.80 which is a new dish with prawns, mushroom and this big fluffy egg. I was happy with my choice.

My friend had Roast beef carbonara at $18.80.

We added mini salad and mini soup with additional $4.00.

Hoshino coffee with chestnut flavour


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