Time to Set Full Emergency Law in Hong Kong

I last visited Hong Kong in 2017, a beautiful country with world class Chinese cuisine and fun attractions. However now Hong Kong has degenerated into a violent and chaotic place where angry and irrational youths are running amok, burning and vandalising  public infrastructures like MTR, police station and blocking roads. Now they have blatantly set fire on a man who just shouted that they are all not Chinese. I spoke Mandarin and some service staff were not so friendly. 

Carrie Lam should just implement full emergency law by setting curfew now. She must not sit by idly and just depend on the hardworking police officers. 

May there be peace in Hong Kong soon

Tim Sebastian who used to interview our former Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew is now working at DW's Conflict Zone interviewing this delusional protester. Great interview by Tim Sebastian who has conscience compared to the cold-hearted protester. The interviewee claimed that the government forced them to commit violent act. She is like a spoiled child crying that its your fault for not buying toy for them that's why they are crying and throwing things. This lady don't know what she is talking about.She is full of contradiction. They are blatantly breaking the law, vandalising, rioting and attacking policemen. Where is the rule of law if those rioters are not punished by the rule of law? Its time for them to take responsibility for their actions. She has been believing the wrong things. She was just mumbling and not able to explain and justify their actions. 
Can't help but compare Tim Sebastian interview with Singapore former Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Mr Sebastian has shown tremendous improvement in the recent interview!

Violent rioter set a man on fire for saying that they are not Chinese people.


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