Tree Planting at East Coast Park

I realised that I have  a new hobby and that is planting trees! Till date, I have planted 4 trees in Singapore East Coast Park and Bedok South

I am really thankful to Singapore National Parks for providing this meaningful opportunity to Singaporeans and Singapore residents to do their part for the environment as part of the #OneMillionTreesSg movement.

Trees help to cool down our environment by providing shade from the sun and releasing moisture into the air. Trees also remove carbon dioxide and release oxygen. They are essential in the fight against climate change. I do hope the world will help to conserve forests and plant more trees.  I felt happy that helping to plant the trees can help biodiversity and also to cool down environment. If possible, I hope to plant more trees but most tree planting events are on weekday morning and I can't participate due to work. I aim to plant trees every year. 

Last Friday, I planted 2 trees at East Coast Park namely Seashore Mangosteen and Shore Laurel. There were many families participating in this tree planting and some even brought their toddlers and young children to participate. Thankfully we planted the trees under the tall trees which provide shade from the scorching sun.

Many friends asked what are the rewards of planting trees and if my name would be displayed at the tree site. Of course not! I'm not a famous person. For me, the joy in planting trees is knowing that I can help to make the environment a better place. We have taken so much from the earth. it is really time to contribute back to the earth. To make this place a much better place for all and to bring awareness about this meaningful event.  Happiness is not just about receiving only. Recently I found that giving and contributing also made me happy at this stage of my life.  

For more information on One Million Trees movement, you can visit this NParks website here to sign up for their mailing list so they can update you on upcoming events like trees planting. 

You can read my earlier post on planting 2 trees at Bedok South here.

Choose the tree you want to plant. Take note that you have to spend more time digging the soil if the tree is bigger as the depth has to be same as the root ball of the tree. You really must be fit to plant tree as you need the strength to dig the tree hole.

Finally time to plant the tree to the ground.
I planted this Seashore Mangosteen at East Coast park.

I also planted Shore Laurel

At East Coast Park. A great sunny day for planting trees.

You can watch this video first on How to plant a tree before attending the tree planting event. 


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