Liang Wen Fu Shares His Xinyao Journey

On 20 May, Saturday this year, I headed to Singapore Chinese Cultural Central for a sharing session by Liang Wen Fu 梁文福 on his Xinyao Journey. I'm a fan of Xinyao SIngapore Chinese songs like Xi Shui Chang 细水长流. 

I like talented gentleman like Liang Wen Fu who can write beautiful poems. He can compose great music and write poetic lyrics. Hopefully he can sing this year in Xinyao or his concert. 

I thoroughly enjoyed the 2 hours sharing session which also included question and answer session and quiz game. He shared about where he get his inspiration for writing and composing. Like me, he also enjoys reading and he was surrounded by books at home in his childhood. 

Hopefully there is Xinyao Reunion concert this year. Looking forward to it. 


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