Teochew Wedding

May was a really hectic month as our flat toilet underwent renovation and also preparation for my 3rd younger brother's wedding. My 3rd young brother finally got married this Friday, on Vesak Day.

Days before the wedding, my brother had to give betrothal gifts to his bride. Thanks to him, I had the opportunity to eat delicious pastries from Gin Thye. I really like the traditional Teochew pastries from Gin Thye. 

You can find out about Chinese wedding steps here.    

Teochew Lao ma gao. This was given to the bride's family during the betrothal ceremony as her grandmother is still around. The bride's family returned this to my brother after accepting most of the gifts. 

I really love Gin Thye traditional wedding pastries.

This is my favourite pastry. Top layer is red bean paste and the bottom layer is like a mixture of fruit paste. I'm not sure what is the name of this pastry. My mum said it's son-in-law pastry. Couldn't find the name of this pastry at Gin Thye website.

Traditional cakes 

过大礼 Betrothal Sets for the bride


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