Happy Day Today!

Finally I submitted the assignments today! Yesterday night, I was still doing the final video editing and checking my work before the final submission today. Finally a big load is off my shoulders and I can finally rest and pursue my interests without worrying about the assignment submission. 

After submitting my work, I went to the National Gallery Singapore to see one of my favourite artists, Wu GuanZhong's exhibition. I really love the Pandas, 1992 which is a painting that uses Chinese ink and colour on paper. I feel so happy admiring the Chinese painting fused with western abstract style artworks by this Grand master. Some of his paintings have really thick brush strokes and I wonder if he used a really big painting brush. 

I also explored other art exhibitions like local artist Chua Mia Tee, Ever Present :First Peoples Art of Australia and Rethinking Sculpture in Singapore at the National Gallery. I will blog when I'm free. After looking at the art, I feel inspired to paint. 

I also love this painting A Lotus Flower Island.
I brought this small notebook with Wu GuanZhong's painting and Chinese poems as shown below. I can learn to write Chinese poems. 


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