Bouncy Fishballs at Li Xin Teochew Fishball Noodle

Last week, I had Teochew fishball noodle with my mother at Suntec City basement at the well-known Li Xin Teochew fishball noodle. Wow, I really love their bouncy fishballs! Its absolutely the best fishballs! Now I understand what food hosts meant by (弹性) bouncy fishballs. Its like the fishballs are dancing in my mouth when I eat it.
The fishballs are also fresh with no fishy smell and I love the fish dumpling.

I had dry mee pork with chilli and black vinegar. The chilli sauce is awesome. I must say Singapore hawkers are really good in preparing noodle sauce. In Hong Kong, it's really hard to find delicious dry noodle with delicious chilis sauce. Most of the time, they only put oyster sauce for the dry noodle which is not to my liking. I must say Singapore is the place for the best fishball meepok (flat egg noodle) dry! The chili sauce coupled with black vinegar sauce is awesome.
The signature noodle set B comes with 3 fishballs, 2 fish dumplings and some fish cake slices with soup. You can choose the noodle with mee kia, mee pok or rice flat noodle. I had mee kia or flat egg noodles dry!
Really bouncy fishballs!
This is the fish dumpling!

I had Set B which includes Signature noodle with drink at $7.50.


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