Soup Spoon Union

I like Soup Spoon mission to bring clean and affordable food to the masses. Also the food look very delicious and we can mix and match different mains in Soup Spoon Union sampler. There is one caesar salad, and you can choose two mini mains from Soup Spoon, Noodle from Soup Broth Asia or burger from Handburger. This Union Sampler costs $12.80. During lunch hour, there are many office workers queuing for lunch. So I reckon it must be delicious. 

Soup Spoon Union at Raffles City Shopping Mall
Just alight at Cityhall MRT and walk to Raffles City Shopping mall basement 1.
Website :
 Soup Spoon Union Sampler Set at $12.80. I had sample-sized Sumo Nabe Ramen, Chicken Caesar burger and a mini caesar salad.

 I like Chicken Caesar burger but not Sumo Nabe ramen as it was served cold. I prefer noodle to be served warm. 
 Must try chicken caesar burger. 
The original size Sumo Nabe rame has a egg and chicken drumstick. But in the mini size noodle, they are generous with corn, spring onion and black fungus (黑木耳).

It also include some shredded chicken. According to Traditional Chinese medicine, it is very nourishing and can reduce cholesterol. 


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