Orchid Extravaganza Singapore

I love the gorgeous orchids currently on display at the Flower dome at Gardens by the Bay. My friend and I had a great time at the flower dome looking at a wide variety of orchids and also the Southeast Asians traditional structures from Thailand, Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia. This year Orchid Extravaganza is presented in collaboration with with the Embassies of Indonesia and Thailand and High Commissions of Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia, 

For more information on the orchids, click Gardens by the Bay website here.

Orchid Extravaganza 2023: 28 July to 17 September 2023

I love this pretty design with flowing water.
Pretty in pink orchids.
Kebaya is a traditional dressing worn by women in Southeast Asian countries.

He is really brave to paint at flower dome.

Ruean Thai
"Ruean Thai, also known as a Thai house, refers to a style of traditional architecture in Thailand. It reflects the country’s rich cultural heritage, embodying distinctive characteristics and design elements passed down through generations. 

Spot the country’s national flower, Cassia fistula, commonly known as golden shower displayed alongside the house during your visit."

Lath House
"A lath house is a type of structure that provides support, shade, and protection for plants, particularly shade-loving ones such as orchids. Thin strips of wood or metal are arranged in a parallel pattern, with small gaps between them, allowing diffused light, air and rain to enter while ensuring direct sunlight, excessive wind or other harsh weather conditions are kept out."


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