The Vast Universe

We are just a spark in the universe! Look at the image below, Earth is the third planet from the sun. In this solar system, there are 8 planets.  Earth is just one of 8 planets in this one solar system. Our sun is just one star. There are two hundreds billions of stars in this milky way galaxy. This vast universe has one hundred billions of galaxies! (大千世界). Are we alone? Looking at this number, it is impossible we are alone. It is naïve to think we are alone.

For sure, there are other living beings in other planets in other galaxies. Many might be more technologically advance compared to us, looking at their supersonic speed spacecrafts flying around planet earth.  You can read more here.

There are more reports of people seeing Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) around the world. It's a great breakthrough that there is congress hearing on UFO in the United States of America . After the Roswell UFO crash in 1947, there were many great inventions. Did the US engineers reverse-engineer the recovered non-human (euphemism for alien) UFO space craft? Hopefully this congress hearing will encourage more people to share more information about UFO. The truth will be revealed one day. Who knows, those non-humans might reveal themselves soon. Maybe they are observing us, worrying about nuclear war that might destroy planet earth and the implosion might impact other planets and galaxies. Hopefully there is no nuclear war on planet earth, else going to dusty dull Mars is also pointless if humans still want to resolve problems with war. May there be peace in this Universe. Meanwhile, just enjoy life on this beautiful blue planet!
This is our solar system. Our sun is just one star among the hundreds of billions of stars in our Milky way galaxy. The universe has billions of galaxies! We are just a small spark in the vast universe! Click here to read more. Image from Encyclopedia Britannica. 
From Discovery Channel, Stephen Hawking - Are We Alone? 
David Grusch, a former U.S. intelligence official, told US congress that ‘Nonhuman biologics’ were found at UFO site. David Fravor, a former US Navy commander said, "The technology that we faced is far superior to anything that we had. And there’s nothing we can do about it, nothing."
Former USA President, Obama smile and said the aliens exercise strict control over us. He looked serious when he said he can't reveal anything. Admire Obama for his honesty.


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