
Today I noticed someone is no longer talking to his friend. He shared that his friend listened to others spreading rumours about him thus he is no longer talking to him. Anyway I told him to give him time and space first as he might be closer to his friend. 

A true friend will speak up for you and not talk behind your back. If he or she values your friendship, they will check with you first or speak up for you. Else, they are not your friend and you should not be upset. In life,  If you don't like the person, just walk away. There is no need to spread rumour. 

When affinity ends, it just end.

Spend time with true friends who understands and knows you. Someone who tells you directly or checks with you instead of talking behind your back. These are the friends that we must treasure. Thank you to all my true friends.

You can buy this gift at Gardens by the Bay.


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