Never Accept Bottle of Perfume, Sanitizer Spray or Ointment

Update: Yes this is a blog about things that bring me joy. But I just feel that I have to write this. Hopefully it can help people. (For the first time, my blog Facebook page was reported that someone is impersonating with a suspicious link to click after I posted this.)

In life, there are people who will do anything to get what they want. Some will spend money to cast spell. Read this Asiaone article here on their interview with someone who is paid to do. I'm surprised that they are operating this business in Singapore. 

That is why I will not accept when someone especially if the opposite gender wants to give me bottle of liquid that could masquerade as perfume, hand sanitizer spray, or ointment. You never know what is inside. I also won't accept drinks from people I don't know well. Never place your personal things that you use as it could be easily replaced or filled with those potion. 

If you suspect you are a victim of spell, you can go to your religion and seek help. In Buddhism, when Ananda, the handsome monk who was Buddha's attendant was cast a love spell by a lady, Buddha had to save Ananda from breaking his monk precept. Life is at most 100 years,  why do bad thing that will affect your next rebirth?

I came across the following by Joseph Polansky, a western astrologer and I think it is really well written. " Karma is the law of cause and effect which governs all phenomena. We are all where we find ourselves because of karma- because of actions we have performed in the past. The universe is such a balanced instrument that any act immediately sets corrective forces into motion-karma. Never do bad thing. It will bounce back to the owner of the action.

The world is very fair. You do good, good result will follow and vice versa. It's just a matter of time.


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