Singapore Flower Dome: Mexican Roots Gardens

The flower dome also features vibrant floral like bright orange marigold, cosmos, zinnia, orchids and bromeliads. These cheerful colours bring joy. 

This Mexican Roots theme at flower dome is available from now till 25 September this year. 

To visit Gardens by the Bay website, click here.

Pretty Cosmo
From GBB: Its name comes from the Greek word kosmos which means an apt and harmonious arrangement, as reflected by its evenly-placed petals.

The beautiful petals of some cosmos flowers are edible and are typically used to brighten up salads! 

From Gardens by the Bay- Marigolds are sometimes referred to as the poor man’s saffron as they are used as natural food dyes to add the beautiful golden colour to dishes.In addition to being a natural food colouring, its dried flowers are also used commercially as fabric dye to achieve vibrant yellow and orange shades!


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