Happy 57th Singapore National Day!

Happy 57th National Day Singaporeans! Today is a great day to shop with many promotions like the Tai Cheong Bakery promotion selling four delicious egg tarts at $5.70 today! The usual price is $2.20 per egg tart. Then there is also the Liho tea promotion and many many more. Yesterday I already went to Kinokuniya bookshop to buy some books again (20% discount off books till 10th August)  so today I'm staying at home to rest and maybe watch the NDP celebration broadcast at home and my mum will cook her signature fried bee hoon for dinner today. 

Singapore is not perfect but it is generally safe at night for ladies. I support the strong enforcement against illegal drugs in Singapore and am thankful to the committed Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) officers hardwork in conducting regular drug raids. Thank you CNB officers for keeping us safe! I think they should get pay raise.

I like this National Day theme song , We are Singapore in 1987. You can listen to the Singapore Pledge in this song. I think old NDP songs are nicer.
Count on Me, Singapore
This year NDP theme song Stronger Together


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