Cooking Vegetable Curry

On Christmas Day, my mum cooked vegetable and chicken curry with ready-made curry paste. My mum added lots of vegetables like carrot, brinjal or eggplant, cabbage, long beans and tomato, I love to eat lots of carrot and cabbage curry. She also added coconut milk and some spices like blue ginger, shallot and garlic for seasoning. My mum prefers to use the traditional method of pounding the spices using mortar and pestle stone pounder so I helped her with task. 

My youngest brother and his wife joined us for late lunch and they enjoyed the delicious curry. I'm happy that I learnt how to cook delicious vegetable curry. My mum is a very good cook and I think I have to start learning from her especially her signature dishes like fried beehoon and curry.  

Using the traditional mortar and pestle stone pounder to pound shallot, blue ginger, garlic.
My father brought this curry paste at Tampines wet market.


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