Turn it Into Love by Kylie Minogue

I love Kylie Minogue since I was in primary school. Some of my favourite songs include Turn it into love, Got to be Certain and I should be lucky in love. 

Alas, I'm in my late 30s and yet I have never been in any relationship. Maybe its my destiny to be single. Sometimes I don't understand, there are people who are not as pretty as me who get married. I'm quite a nice person too though sometimes I ask too much questions. If guys ask me how to build circuit, I also readily teach them but no one ask me out. They only ask me how to do circuit questions which I readily share my knowledge.

Anyway I quite enjoy my single life though there are times I'm worried who take care of me when I'm old. But then Buddha said do not worry about the future. Just enjoy the present moment. While I can, I enjoy the good food and beautiful arts, music and nature.


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