Vesak Day in Singapore

In Singapore, Vesak Day celebration is on 19th May Day (Sunday). 20th May is a public holiday for all in Singapore. There are many events to commemorate the life of the Buddha: his birth, his attainment of Enlightenment and his passing into Nirvana. Based on  Buddhist scriptures, each of these occurred on a full moon in the lunar month of Vesak.

You can click this link to find various events. For me, I plan to go to Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum and maybe Palelai Temple. 

Buddha" Craving, with you I've been born again and again. But now you're reviewed and your power redundant. 

It is the nature of all conditioned to arise, persist for a while and then pass away. Investigate the impermanence of all conditioned phenomenon. For the tears of beings wandering through the samsara are beyond measure. One who is still attached to form, sound, taste, smell and physical sensation cannot find liberation from this world." 

The Four Noble Truths comprise the essence of Buddha's teachings.
1)They are the truth of suffering 
2) The truth of the cause of suffering 
3) The truth of the end of suffering 
4) The truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering is the Noble Eightfold  path. 

The steps of the Noble Eightfold Path are  
1)Right Understanding 
2)Right Thought 
3)Right Speech 
4)Right Action 
5)Right Livelihood 
6)Right Effort 
7)Right Mindfulness  
8)Right Concentration.

To read more on my reflect on Buddhism, you can view my other blog on Buddhism here.


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