Vegetarian Local Dishes at Nature Cafe

Since I started vegetarian diet, I rarely eat fried kway teow (flat noodles). Luckily there are vegetarian restaurants like Nature cafe selling no meat version of local dishes. 

This week my cousins and I had local dishes like Chinese fried kway teow and wanton noodles and also other dishes like mushroom baked penne pasta and Korean rice. 

We find the wanton noodle sauce too sweet to our liking and it would be good if there is green chilli and chilli sauce.We also enjoyed the fried kway teow. However our favourite is the mushroom baked penne pasta. I don't really like the Korean rice which comes with sweet and sour sauce. I think Sufood version of Korean rice is much more delicious.  

Nature Cafe at Suntec City
Nearest MRTs: Cityhall MRT/Esplanade MRT
          Fried kuay teow is good especially with the lime. This is a popular Teochew dish.

Mushroom baked penne pasta. This is our favourite dish.


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