明天32新摇 XinYao Concert 2014

So glad I went to the 明天32 新摇 XinYao concert at Star Vista today. XinYao 新摇 means Singapore Chinese Folk songs composed,wrote and sang by Singaporeans. Xinyao was inspired by Taiwanese college students who penned and composed Chinese folk songs in the 70s. 

I enjoyed the four hours concert thoroughly and I got to know good songs I never heard before. By the way, this is my first Xinyao concert. I love the beautiful and heartwarming Chinese lyrics with melodious music that resonate with me. The songs are so inspiring and heartwarming. 

National Junior College organised the first song-writing competition in 1981 thus sparking off 新摇 XinYao. The most well-known XinYao composer and singer is Liang Wen Foo who penned and composed many popular songs sang by himself, Singaporeans, Taiwanese and Hong Kongers. Liang Wen Foo is acknowledged by many as the principal of XinYao.

Sadly I did not get to see him in the afternoon concert. I heard that that he would attend the evening concert as he had to conduct lesson in the afternoon. Well at least I got to attend the afternoon concert as the evening concert at 7.30pm with 5000 seats was sold out. Due to popular demand, the organizer added the afternoon 2pm concert. 

Though I was born in 1981, I got to know Xinyao songs from local Chinese dramas theme songs like 青春一二三 and national day parade songs like 年轻的心 young heart。I also like the song 细水长流 by Liang Wen Foo. I'm only aware of Xinyao concert after watching the Reunion concert also organised by 弹唱人( Tang Chan Ren ), who promoted the 明天32新摇. This year Chinese newspapers like XinMin evening also promote the concert.

From this concert, I realised that there are many talented Singaporeans composers, lyricist, and singers. We should support Singapore music. Perhaps there should be a documentary and a CD compilation of great Xinyao musics like 细水长流,   我們這一班 (Our Class), 年轻的心 (Young Heart),关怀方式,你的倒影,一步一步來 and 排排坐,. Package the above songs into a beautiful album and I will definitely buy. Maybe for next year Singapore 50th birthday, release the Xinyao album with the above and other awesome Xinyao songs. How about reviving song-writing competition for secondary or junior college students in Singapore? It's also a great way to promote Speak Mandarin campaign and the beauty of Chinese language. Really love the poetic lyrics penned by fellow Singaporeans. 

My favorite segments of the concert:
1) Current students from primary to secondary school performed Xinyao songs.
2) Huang XiuLing, channel 8 newscaster sang with her elder sister.
3) Jimmy Ye finally performed after more than a decade hiatus. 
4) Humorous LiFeiHui. 
5) Eric Moo and all the singers sang 年轻的心 (Young Heart).

Hopefully next year there be at least two concerts with all the Xinyao singers performing since next year is also Singapore's 50th birthday. 
Finale at 32 新摇 XinYao 2014 concert
This concert is organised by Tang Chan Ren 弹唱人


年轻的心 Young heart

  我們這一班 by 顏黎明 Yan Li Min Our Class is a song about a mischievous class

梁文福- 细水长流



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