Benefit of Anonymity

I have been blogging using alias. I prefer to be anonymous. It gives me absolute freedom. I can read at peace in the bookshop for long hours without anyone talking to me. I can enjoy savoring my food in peace. That is absolute freedom to me. 

Once at the bookshop in Orchard many years ago, I saw a neighboring country royalty arriving at the bookshop with his entourage and he left soon after about 10 minutes with his bodyguards carrying his many books. Sometimes I wonder if he has freedom with so many bodyguards following him. I find it weird that a public person don't want to spend much time in public place. 

For me, I can just read for hours and exploring various books in the bookshop with no one knowing me and I can read in peace. 

Of course I know there is no complete anonymity if you misuse this online platform. I've been using this guideline since 2005.


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