The Power of Now

I enjoy reading this book by Eckhart Tolle and I highly recommend it. He is sharing from his own experience on awakening. He had this repeating thought "he cannot live with himself any longer." One day, he suddenly became aware of this peculiar thought and he asked himself, " Am I one or two? If I cannot live with myself, there must be two of me: the 'I' and the 'self' that I cannot live with." Maybe one of them is real." The real you is the consciousness and the other which is the ego. 

The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future-which of course can only be experienced as the Now. Most people are living for the future and never in the now. I think enjoy the process now and experience joy now and not worry about the result. Just be present and don't regret the past and worry about the future.

The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future-which of course can only be experienced as the Now. 


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