Happy New Year 2024!

Wow finally 2023 is ending soon! I had a really difficult year especially with the Tai Sui clash this Gui Mao 癸卯 year. I was aware of this clash so I prepped myself but still the lesson was kinda painful. Anyway, glad it's over.

Well there are positive stuff this year too. I reached the 5 years milestone with the organisation (actually it's about 5 years 11 months. Time really flies. Not sure what the future would be(计划赶不上变化). 

For now, I just do what I have to do. One thing for sure is I want to travel next year to Europe. The last travel happened in 2018 to Australia. I just don't feel like travelling this year. This year, I spent most of the holidays at home cleaning my room, reading, sketching, painting, watching videos and catching up with my cousins and friends. 

I spent too much this year and must control next year. Inflation is no joke and prices are rising and next year there is 1% GST increment to 9%. Anyway, I brought most of the things I need this year and I'm not going to purchase things I already have.  

This year is also really significant for my family. I have a niece and nephew this year who are born four months apart. Every weekend I see them growing bigger. 

Looking forward to next year. May all my friends, relatives and readers be healthy and happy. May all sentients beings be safe and happy. Happy New Year 2024! 

Jia Jia and Le Le at River Wonders in November this year


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