Singapore Chinatown: Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year will start on 5th February, in less than 2 days time! I'm looking forward to reunion dinner with my family. I decided to just eat seafood though I haven't really eat meat  for about a year. Since I'm the only person who don't eat meat in my family, I decided to just eat seafood with my family tomorrow since the soup is filled with many seafood. Teochew typically like seafood as the region, Chaozhou where my ancestors came from is located near the sea. 

I recently visited Chinatown to look at the lighting design and just to immerse in the festive atmosphere. As mentioned earlier, Chinese New Year is my favourite holiday as its the time for family gathering and since I'm still single, my relatives still give me Hongbao or red packets. I don't spend the money as I keep the red packets since  it symbolise blessing.  

I like the year of the Pig. Hopefully this new year is a great year for everyone! I wish you Happy Chinese New Year in advance!

 A buzzing Chinatown


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