Father Day Celebration at Home

Last Saturday, we celebrated Father's Day at home early as my elder brother had to travel for work on Saturday night. My elder brother ordered 10 sumptuous dishes from Neo Gardens. 

As for me, I recently purchased a new television as our old television was not working well and my father complained of painful eyes. 

My three brothers and I love our parents. My mother is a home-maker and my father is a hardworking and devoted husband to my mother. My parents are happily married for 39 years. You don't have to be rich to be happily married. We are just a middle-class family residing in a 5-room flat.  

My father has set the bar high for my future husband. Maybe that is why I'm still single. 

From my parents, I see for myself what true love is although I haven't date before. Really true love is priceless.  

Whenever we shop in the supermarket, my father will ask me to look for the food my mother wants to eat. Everyday, my father will call my mother from work during lunch time to ask what she is doing or update her on his work. Everyday, he will call my mother at least twice. After work, when he reaches home, my parents will sit in the kitchen and talk about their day. 

Although I'm in my 30s, I'm still very pampered by my parents. I will always have a cup of plain water ready to drink in the morning because my father pours it for me or even prepares cereal for me during work days. In the past when he had the big lorry, he would ferry me to work and even help me to carry the Ikea flat-packed bookshelf. My father will also buy my favourite fried white carrot cake from Tampines round market.  

Indeed I am thankful my parents always pamper me. Hmm, I also pamper them that's why I took them for travel. Maybe I plan another travel trip next year. 
 Buffet from Neo Gardens
 Fried prawns.
 Har gow or prawn dumpling.
 My elder brother unwrapping the food he ordered last Saturday.
 This fried noodle is delicious! 
 I love this tasty well-marinated chicken.
 Fried cereal fish. I don't really like this fish texture.
 Fried you tiao. 
 Chocolate cream puff.
Guilingao or turtle jelly for dessert.


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