Saveur Art at Ion Orchard

Saveur Art at Ion Orchard is my first fine dining experience as the price is much more affordable compared to those Michelin stars restaurants at Marina Bay Sand. For 4 course menu, it cost about $52++. 

Waiter and waitresses are more well-dressed compared to other Saveur branches. Most of the service staff are quite good-looking. However I still prefer the food at Far East Plaza as I like the Saveur pasta, pistachio panna cotta and duck salad. Also food at Far East Plaza is more delicious and cheaper.
How to get there?
Alight at Orchard Road and walk to Ion Orchard

Ion Orchard
#04-11 (S) 238801
Telephone: 6634 1141
Opening hours: 12:00pm - 9:30pm
Egg confit and truffle with roasted macadamia nuts
Complimentary snack. A really small cracker.
A small cup of soup.
Slow-cooked cod in olive. As you can see, the portion is really small.

Zoom up view of the dish. There is a really small piece of cod, with fried squid which is really delicious. 
Their signature duck confit on a bed of barley
Chocolate and pistachio. 
Ion Orchard Saveur Art


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