Fountain of Wealth at Suntec City

In this brand new year 2015, I wish you Happy and Prosperous New Year. If you want to enhance your luck and wish for prosperity, you can start at the free attraction at Fountain of Wealth located in Suntec City shopping mall. Suntec City building is designed with advice from some of the best Hong Kong Feng Shui Masters and it is partly owned by Hong Kong Tycoons like Li Ka-shing and others.  

It was listed to as the largest fountain in the world by the Guinness Book of Records in 1998. At night, be dazzled by the psychedelic laser light with music and laser dedication messages.
From Wikipedia
  • The inward flowing water of the fountain was used for two reasons. Water is known as the symbol of life and wealth in Chinese culture, and the inward motion of the water symbolises the retention of wealth for Suntec City.According to feng shui experts (Chinese geomancers), the water flowing inwards represents riches pouring in, thus the name Fountain of Wealth.
  • It is claimed that visitors to Suntec City, who walk around the central base of the Fountain three times and touching the water at all times, would gain some good luck of their own.
Fountain of Wealth at Suntec City

Fountain of Wealth opening time for Daily Touch Water Session.
Hope your wish will be fulfilled.
 Yes, walk around the metal ring and touch the splashing water. 


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