Noise Singapore 2013 Festival

Come down to Ion Orchard for Noise Singapore Festival from 27 July to 14 August this year, there will be a free showcase Noise Singapore exhibition of Arts, Design & Photography by selected Singaporeans artist at Ion Orchard mall. There were more than 8000 entries but only some were selected. 

My personal favourite include the Ang Ku Kueh Girl and Singapore playground. I will feature a few of my favourite works later. 

Noise Singapore 2013 Festival Showcase
Date: 27 July to 14 August 2013
Time: 10 am to 9 pm
Place: Basement 4 Ion Station (Event Hall) 
Ion Orchard

Ang Ku Kueh girl
Overview of Noise Singapore 2013

 Free postcards and brochures for visitors.

Dove playground


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