Overpriced and Mediocre Food at Singapore Sentosa Malaysian Food Street

At Resort World Sentosa Singapore,Malaysian Food Street, you can try a variety of popular Malaysian food. Out of curiosity, I brought some toast and soft-boiled eggs and roti-prata for breakfast. Actually in Singapore coffee shops and food court, you get find the above food items easily. 
Inside the eatery, you are transported into Malaysian food street. In the morning, only a few stalls are opened. Thus I didnt try the famous penang laksa. 

Actually, it is fun to be in this old town ambience, other than that, I find the food really expensive and mediocre. I still prefer Singapore toast especially the Ya kun toast. I think you can just go to vivocity which is nearby for better food. 

 Inside Malaysian Food Street in Singapore
Long queue at dim sum and drinks stall that sells kaya toast, coffee and soft-boiled eggs.
 Coffee, Thick kaya toast and egg
Egg Roti prata 

 Love my soft-boiled egg runny with light soya sauce.


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