Ami, Child of the Stars

Just read an interesting book, Ami, Child of the Stars written by Chilean author Enrique Barrios. This book was first published in 1986. The author dedicated this book to the "children" of all ages. There are several lessons you can learn from this story. In this book, Ami, an extraterrestrial shared with Jim about the Fundamental law of the Universe, how in his planet, there is no money involved and how to enjoy this precious life on this blue planet Earth that is miraculously floating in this vast Universe. So magical! Be happy and enjoy your time on Earth! Stop polluting the ocean and air. Take care of this precious blue planet Earth.
Earth blue planet, image from

About Worrying

“Don’t live your life imagining problems that haven’t yet arisen and aren’t going to. Enjoy the present. You have to live life to the fullest, always seeking happiness instead of worrying. When a real problem arises, then put your time to good use figuring out how to solve it, instead of worrying when everything is just cool, like now.”

Be Present (Attentive) and Enjoy

“Look how pretty those street lights are... Pretty enough to paint... Check out how the light falls on that vine... And those roofs outlined against the stars... Life is there for you to enjoy fully, Jim. Try to pay attention to all that life offers you... The marvels are there to be found every moment... Try to feel, perceive, instead of
thinking. The most profound sense of life is found beyond thinking... You know what, Jim? Life is a fairy tale come true... It’s a beautiful gift that God has given you...because He loves you.”

His words made me see everything from a new point of view. It seemed incredible to me that this was the normal, everyday world that I’d never paid much attention to... Without even having noticed it before, I realized now that I lived in a place that looked like paradise.

About Sharing

“Here we all love one another.”

There are times when understanding something produces the interior equivalent of a flash of light in us.

Ami’s explanations had finally gotten through to me. I was suddenly able to understand what he had been trying to tell me. That world was not like mine. It wasn’t a place of competition, fear and distrust of others, rivalries, egotism. No, it wasn’t like that. Humanity in that world was a big family in which everyone loved each other reciprocally. So they shared everything, always seeking happiness for each and every one of them. Now it seemed very simple to me.

Fundamental Law of the Universe
Image from Ami, Child of the Stars.

“Famous, maybe. What does your uncle, the physicist, do?” “He’s developing a new weapon, an ultrasound ray.” “Hmmmm... If he’s not able to understand that human intelligence is a reflection of divine intelligence, if his shortsightedness makes him arrogant and disrespectful to God, and, besides, if he dedicates the talent he received to the manufacture of arms,...then I don’t believe that his level is very high. What do you think?” “What? But he’s a wise man!” I protested. “Once again you’re confusing things. Your uncle has a great deal of information at his disposal and is good at seeing relationships between data, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s an intelligent person, much less a wise one. A computer can have an impressive data bank and undertake incredible operations, but that doesn’t make it intelligent. Do you think a man is intelligent if he’s digging a grave that he himself is in danger of falling into?” “No, but...” “Weapons turn against those who support them.” 

What we have here is a problem of terms: on Earth people are called intelligent or wise when they are good at using only one of their brains. But we have two...” “What?! Two brains?!” “Well, it would be better to say two ‘comprehension centers.’ One in the head; that’s the ‘computer,’ the only one that you people know. It processes information related to the things of this world. The other is in the chest. It’s not visible because it’s not material. But it exists. It has to do with the profound things of life, with the eternal, universal truths, like wisdom and love. The balance between the two centers creates the light that you saw in the man’s chest on the screen.” “That’s very interesting, Ami.” “For us, the person who is intelligent or wise is the one who has both centers in harmony. This means that intelligence must serve the heart. But the majority of people who are ‘intelligent’ think that the reverse is true. They do cold cerebral calculations and they can’t see what’s really important.” 

“People like that only see the superficial, the money. But they don’t see what’s profound, the suffering that they cause. They have a lack of balance between their head center and their heart center.”  

“The relationship between science and love on your planet is very skewed toward the science side. Millions of civilizations like this one have self-destructed for this very reason. Your planet is at a critical point in its evolution. These are delicate
moments, dangerous times.

One good example are the scammers and drug traffickers who earn lots of money but they create lots of suffering to their fellow human beings. Countries selling weapons and supporting wars. Artificial intelligence is using existing data of what humans had created and not up to date. Humans must be mindful not to let AI control their life.

About God

To Ami, God has no form. It is the Source of love energy. It reminds me of Tao or one consciousness when one enters samadhi in meditation for Buddhist practitioners or experienced meditators. 

Ami smiled kindly and said, “A drop of sea water cannot say that it’s the sea, even though it’s composed the same. You are made of the same substance as God. You are love, but vibrating at a frequency that’s not very high. Evolution consists of the elevation of our frequency of vibration. That allows us little by little to recognize and regain our true identity: love.”

Ami began to laugh. “God neither punishes nor rewards, but everything that we do comes back to us. If we do good, we receive good in return. If we do evil, we can’t expect to receive anything nice in return.”

May all sentients beings be well and happy.


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