Lao Zi and Tao Te Ching

I finally brought this book Decoding the Tao Te Ching by Sim Pooh Ho, edited and translated by Tekson Teo. Tao Te Ching 道德经 is authored by Laozi, a great enlightened philosopher about 2500 years ago. I think it would be great if the translator had included the whole chapters in Chinese characters and the English translation side by side. I wanted to see if the translation is accurate and how he interpreted so I copied the Chinese characters from the internet. At the same time, I can also improve my Mandarin. 

Even though you can finish reading the entire book which has only 5000 plus Chinese characters in 81 Chapters within a day, the teaching is profound and needs time to digest the essence of Laozi's teaching. I read a few chapters and find some similarities to Buddha's teaching such as Universe law of Cause and effect karma and keep to the middle path. It’s a fair system . If someone steal from your daughter, there should be consequence for the thief and prevent theft from happening again and protect the society. Truth will always be revealed. Just be Kind. That is why I find Singapore's strict law and enforcement safe for society. What do you think? 



From the book Decoding Tao Te Ching.

I was surprised to see Laozi in this Science fiction book. Very interesting. Don't judge anything from the surface. Observe further. 
老高 is a great storyteller.


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