Joe Biden Deserves To Enjoy His Retirement

Joe Biden is already 81 years old. It is  time for him to enjoy his retirement and not tire himself out. Not sure why he still wants to slog so hard especially during the election campaigns. Is it because he is clinging on to power as the President of the United States or is he persuaded by his family who also wants the prestige of being the First family of the United States? Or is he persuaded by his staff who just wants him to be a puppet. I think he deserves better. He should enjoy the remaining time of his life like spending time with his family instead of tiring himself out. 

I'm in my mid-40s and I'm already thinking of retirement. Perhaps working for few hours per day or 4 days per week and spend more time on my hobbies and with my families and friends. Remember to enjoy life and not just work. We are here to experience, enjoy life and make the world a better place with your talents.


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