Near Death Experience

I started reading about Near Death Experience (NDE) in 2017 from Dr Brian Weiss's books (Many Lives, Many Masters) and I started to read many more related NDE books by others like Dr Raymond Moody's best selling books, Life after Life and Dr Alexander Eben. I feel better knowing my kind deceased friend and relatives had moved on to better place, free from physical pain suffering.

From many NDE sharing, there is common message about love and you will experience the impact of your action on others during your life review. If you love yourself, don't hurt others. So if you want to have good life review experience, be mindful of your action and speech. Most religions like Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Muslim, Hinduism and Judaism  taught about the Golden Rule; treat others that you would like to be treated. I like Vinney Tolman who shared that people who see the same rainbow gives different descriptions from their perspectives. 

World leaders should watch these NDE sharing and stop wars. Violence will not solve problems but only perpetuates this vicious cycle of revenge. Only love, dialogue, understanding, and forgiveness can stop all these senseless wars where soldiers and innocent civilians lost their lives due to their leaders' beckoning. No one will speak up for you since you just attack innocent civilians indiscriminately (Both hamas and Netanyahu and his team). There is no winner in war, only sad families who lost their sons, friends and relatives. World leaders should stop sacrificing their soldiers in the name of peace and they need to remember they only live in this physical body vessel temporarily for at most 120 years, a feat achieved by very few people on this planet Earth. 
From Amazon website

This guy died for 45 minutes and came back to life as a paramedic ignored medical protocol as he listened to his intuition and saved his life.


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