10 Daily Reminders For a Better Life

My friend Mr T shared with me this informative vide on 10 daily reminders by a practising Theravada monk. I find it helpful so I'm sharing with you all. Below is a short summary of what venerable Nick Keomahavong shared. I hope you find it helpful to improve your habits and life. 

1. Reminder 1 - How was our thoughts, speech and action?

We must pay attention to our thoughts, speech and action. The way we think, speak and our behaviours, these actions create karma. There are consequences and effects.

Reminder 2 - Not being choosy and using essentials with care and consideration

Don't be wasteful and careless and mindless. Have a sense of gratitude for the food and supplies you have available and also make use to care for it. Use it wisely. Be considerate of the resources we have and not be wasteful. 

Reminder 3 - What can we do to improve our conduct, what bad habits to give up, and what good habits to develop?

Everyday look at the bad habits you have and then try ways to improve it. Reflect on the habits that need changing. What can you do to change your behaviour? Increase your mindfulness. 

Reminder 4 - How well did we observe the precepts?

Thervada Buddhist monks need to observe 227 precepts to keep them on track in developing their mind, to hold up to standard and training. For lay Buddhists, we just observe the 5 precepts as follow:

1- No harming of life

2- No stealing

3- No false speech

4- No sexual misconduct

5- No intoxicants - will not lead to carelessness

If you hold the 5 precepts, it limits the worries. There is no outside interference and you are more worry free.

Reminder 5 - What would the Buddha say about our conduct and observance of precepts?

The Buddha was a regular person who attained enlightenment in our human realm. What would Buddha think of our behaviour. Reflect on our day. What do we need to improve our life?

Reminder 6 - Remind ourselves that we are bound to be parted from all.

Everything we do, we tend to cling to it, hold on to it to be attached to it be it relationship or thing. When the time comes to depart, you will all depart from these things. Use this to ground yourself. All the money, possession that you have, you can't take it with you when you depart. When you understand the above, then it start to change and structure how you function in your daily life. 

Reminder 7 - Remind ourselves that we all live under the Law of Kamma

We must continuously remind ourselves that we all live under the law of kamma, therefore we must choose to do only virtuous things in thought, speech and action. Regardless of what traditions or religions you are from, there is the law of kamma. That with every action, there is a reaction. It is important to remind ourselves with this universal truth. When you do good, it has positive fruit and vice versa. Use this to guide your action moving forward. 

Reminder 8 - What good have we done today to purify our mind?

Need to remind ourselves that time is passing. What good have we done today to purify our mind? If you have the opportunity to do good, do it now. This lifetime is very short. Don't take it for granted. 

Reminder 9 - Have peace and quiet – physically and mentally – and to set aside time for meditation. 

Take the time to just settle down and meditate.

Reminder 10 - How well did you meditate?

Main focus is to train the mind. To see reality as it is. You can use journal to keep track of meditation experience. What was your mindset like?


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